Cognitive and learning

Accessibility services for those with differing cognitive abilities




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Northwestel Trial Period for TV and internet
New customers with self-identified accessibility needs or who have a person in their household with accessibility needs are eligible to trial Northwestel’s TV and internet service for up to 30 days and cancel the service afterwards if the service does not meet their needs.




Closed captioning
Read along with your favourite TV programs, movies and special events. Closed captioning provides visual text of a program’s audio as it is heard.


Voice guidance
Navigate the menu with the ability to hear the on-screen text and options spoken aloud.


System sound effects

System sound effects allow users to set the volume level of the media player sound effects, including turning them off completely.


Favourites list
Make a list to quickly and easily access your favourite channels. Pulse TV keeps track of your favorites and automatically stores this content in the Favourites menu

  • To add an item, select it and press INFO, then choose add item to favourites.
  • To delete a single item, select it and press info. Choose remove from favourites or press CLEAR on the remote control.
  • To watch a show, go to the main menu, touch the left arrow once, then scroll through Favourites with the up and down arrows on your remote. Select and watch by pressing OK.


Parental control
Controls allows the restriction of viewing and purchases for TV programs. Set a personalized 4-digit PIN to place locks on selected movie and TV ratings, TV content ratings, channels and titles. You can also hide adult titles from being displayed on screen.


AMI-audio is an accessible television channel and streaming service in which spoken word versions of articles from newspapers and magazines make local, national and international news accessible to Canadians who are blind, partially sighted, or are otherwise print restricted. AMI-audio broadcasts original programs and described audio presentations of top movies and TV shows. AMI-audio is available online or on Northwestel TV, channel 974.


Northwestel trial period for TV and internet
New customers with self-identified accessibility needs or who have a person in their household with accessibility needs are eligible to trial Northwestel’s TV and internet service for up to 30 days and cancel the service afterwards if the service does not meet their needs.



Home Phone

Call forwarding
Send your calls to any number you choose when you can't answer the phone. Automatically forward your incoming calls to any number, including mobile or pager numbers.


Call screen
Allows you to block incoming calls from unwanted callers.


Call return
See the last number to call your home and have the option to call it.


Directory assistance 411
Customers can call directory assistance with TTY or IP Relay assistance at no charge. They are also able to access directory assistance online



Customer service

Northwestel provides alternate formats for monthly bills, contracts and related documents. Examples of alternate formats include: paper-free (email), printed hard copy, braille and large print. Ask us about alternate documents. Contact us.


You can call us at 1 888 423 2333 we are open from Monday to Friday 6 am – 7 pm PST to discuss support and services you require.


IP relay
Northwestel customer service is available to help you via IP Relay any service requests or issues you have.

Register for IP relay here
Use IP relay at