Home phone service $36.85/month Installation fees apply Includes $0.32/month for 911 and $0.50/month for extended local calling Customize your home phone with feature add-ons after you finalize your request. You get one primary listing in the telephone directory, for more information talk to the customer service team when your request is being processed Select this plan Selected More details
Home Phone with battery backup unit $36.85/month Installation fees apply An additional $100 one-time-fee required for the Battery Back Unit (BBU) Helps you stay connected to Cable Home Phone service for approximately four hours during a power outage Includes $0.32/month for 911 and $0.48/month for extended local calling Includes one primary listing in the telephone directory. Talk to the customer service team for more information. Customize your home phone with add-ons after you finalize your request. Shop for add-ons Select this plan Selected More details