Man using Video camera

Submit your own film


Share your story to a larger audience

Have you already got a film in the can? We’d love to talk to you about presenting it on our community channels. This is a great opportunity to get your work in front of your local community, and get paid! Licence fees are based on a sliding scale depending on production quality.

Become a celebrity

These are some of the filmmakers who have worked with us in the past

"I was amazed at how many people came up to me in the street and the grocery store saying they saw my films on the channel. I had no idea so many people were watching.”

–Allan Code, Whitehorse, YT

“Over the years, I have had congratulations from people as I walked into a bank or a restaurant or from friends: ‘Hey, I saw your film on the Community TV Channel.’ Each time my films are viewed, they get a new lease on life and I want to continue making films! Thank you, Community TV Channel!”

– France Benoit, Yellowknife, NT

“Everywhere I go people say to me 'I saw you on TV last night'. It’s fun knowing that people are watching and enjoying The Curious Gardener.”

– Arlin McFarlane, Whitehorse, YT

Get paid


  • Licence fees for highest-quality films
Payment information
Up to 30 minutes  $250
30-60 minutes $500
60 minutes + $750

3-year non-exclusive licence to appear on our Northwestel Community TV channels in Whitehorse, YT and Yellowknife, NT. That includes our Video-On-Demand platform. You will also need to sign a release.



Submit your film