

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is an independent agency responsible for regulating Canada's broadcasting and telecommunications systems.

The CRTC is currently reviewing Northwestel's regulatory structure. Below is a link to Northwestel's submission to the CRTC and a copy of the summary information shared with all Northwestel telephone customers.

These are the decisions made by the CRTC around consumer rights with regards to Northwestel's products and services.

Consumer rights
consumer rights

Consumer rights

The 2008 Statement of consumer rights for Northwestel

Learn about your rights
Price cap
couple reading about price cap

Price cap

Submission 2011-302 Review of Price Cap Regulatory Framework for Northwestel Inc. and Related Matters

Read about it
Summary of submission
Reader reading summary of submission

Summary of submission

The Summary of Northwestel's 2011 Submission

Read the review
Call blocking
Woman on phone

Call blocking

The 2019 Universal network call blocking

Read about it
Internet traffic management practice
Internet traffic management practices

Internet traffic management practice

Northwestel's current internet traffic management practices

Read about it
Dial code for mental wellness
Woman smiling while holding phone

Dial code for mental wellness

CRTC - Introduction of a three-digit abbreviated dialing code for mental health crisis and suicide prevention services

Read more
Hearings open for public comment
Woman speaking to a microphone to get her opinion count

Hearings open for public comment

View current Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) hearings.

Learn more