Northwest Territories directory art showcases the great cliffs of Etthen Island
The vast cliff sides of Etthen Island are known to many Yellowknifers and tourists. Usually, they’re a 4 or 5 hour boat out of Yellowknife. This year, you can find them towering on the 2022 Northwest Territories phone directory.
Capturing the million ways light catches rocky crags and bounces off water isn’t easy. That’s why creator Maggie Davies used a hundred reference photos in creating her watercolour rendition of the landmark, Etthen Island #2. We spoke with Maggie about her process for creating Etthen Island #2, and the funny story that led to its creation.
When Maggie heard about the Northwestel Directory Art contest, she instantly had a piece in mind. Having exhibited Etthen Island at NACC earlier that year, she knew it would work great on the directory. After finding out only unexhibited work could be submitted, there was a decision to make.
“I thought ‘Well, I don’t really have any time to paint or make any new work, but you know what – I’ll make some time.’ I put my husband on daddy duty, sat down, and had some ideas.”
And so, Etthen Island #2 was born.
Etthen Island #2
When Maggie first saw the cliffs of Etthen Island, it was during a boating trip to the East Arm of Great Slave Lake. She was captivated.
“You don’t realize just how tall they are. They go straight down to the water. The whole time I was there, I kept pulling my phone out [and taking photos]”
With those photos, she was able to recreate the landmark for the second time.
A former art student and now teacher, Maggie is inspired by the landscapes of the North everywhere she goes.
“The land here, especially in the winter, is just unreal. You can go for a walk on Tin Can hill, take a picture of the rocks, and it turns out just as majestic”
Painting in watercolour is part lifelong habit, part ease of use. Maggie picked up water colouring as an 8 year old taking art classes. Later in life while studying Studio Art in university, she was making prints, creating sculptures, and making large scale oil paintings.
After graduating and coming back to creating art on her own – her childhood friend was there.
“I found watercolour to be the easiest one to come back to on my own. It's compact, water based, and you don't need solvents to clean your brush. It's easy and portable in that way- you can pack up a quick kit and take with you anywhere.”
As a new mom, Maggie is enjoying maternity leave and time with her newborn, Annie. She’s also looking forward to getting the paintbrush in her hand.
“These days with my daughter have been fun and I'm excited to introduce her to art. She's just 6 months. She's already becoming dextrous - holding onto spoons and such. I can't wait to see what happens”
Maggie, her husband Herb, and future directory art contest winner Annie
As the winner of the directory art contest, Maggie receives a $5000 prize from Northwestel. Find more of Maggie’s work (and view the original Ethenn Island) at NWT Arts profile.
For over 30 years, Northwestel has published rich northern art on the covers of our directories. The land we live in inspires all of us in different ways. From abstract interpretations of northern tales to realistic recreations of arctic landscapes, we admire and celebrate the creativity of those who make up our North.
Meet our 2022 directory art winners:
Thinking about submitting your artwork for next year’s directory art competition? Visit our Directory art page and keep an eye out for the 2023 contest, opening in September.
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