Chalk art featuring Sir Ptomas by: Maya Tink

Step into the Arena! The NWT’s esports scene is growing… fast.

Yellowknife is such a popular tourism destination that every summer even superheroes drop in for a visit at the city’s annual Ptarmicon Convention. This famed gathering draws lovers of comic books, board games, and increasingly epic video game showdowns.

This July, one of the most popular superheroes was Toronto’s own GreenSuigi. He wasn’t wearing a cape, but instead showed off his lightning speed at Ptarmicon’s newest feature: the Northwestel eSports Arena.

GreenSuigi (esports competitors are often known by their Internet handles not their names) is what’s known as a speed-runner, a gamer who tries to beat video games as fast as possible. He holds the current world record for fastest completion of Super Mario 64, a fiercely competitive title.

Hundreds of participants - including a new cohort of younger participants - watched from the convention floor or online through Twitch as GreenSuigi tried to break his record, all while he shared tips and tricks with onlookers on how to improve their own game speed.

The popularity of this Ptarmicon keynote speaker was a real testament to the growing popularity of esports in Yellowknife and across Northern Canada.

Ptarmicon organizers, Elaine & Zack at the Northwestel esports arena

Ptarmicon organizers, Elaine & Zack at the Northwestel esports arena 

Northwestel eSports Arena levels up Ptarmicon gaming

Reigh Foster moved to Yellowknife from Nova Scotia 15 years ago and has been involved in putting on the annual Ptarmicon gathering ever since. She speaks with pride how the convention has created a safe space for people to explore their interests and identity.

Reigh say the organizers were able to significantly expand the esports presence thanks to a faster, higher capacity internet connection from Northwestel, as well as the funding for bounties – prizes for competing with others live in video games.

Ptarmicon President, Reigh Foster

Ptarmicon President, Reigh Foster

“In the past, we've just had one or two games. But this year we were able to offer some really cool extra games that folks were invited to come and play for bounties. We also set up two stations that were available all weekend where anyone could just go pick up a game and try their best to get the highest score.”

The new Northwestel eSports Arena was a popular forum for casual gamers and serious esports fans alike. Esport athletes went for gold in several popular games, including head-to-head matchups in Guitar Hero using custom Ptarmicon themed guitars!

Guitar Hero winner with their bounty

Guitar Hero winner with their bounty

Esports growing across the North

The esports community is growing exponentially in the NWT as well as in the Yukon. And the growth matches the rapid rise of internet speeds and capacity in these territories. As fast fibre-powered internet is providing new opportunities for major events like Ptarmicon, it is also increasing the ability for northerners to compete on a level playing field from their homes.

“Every time internet speeds go up, we see pretty big growth in gaming because of it,” says John-Eric Petersson, who is overseeing Northwestel’s fibre internet expansion across the North. “Now we’re able to bring speeds of up to 700 Mbps per second into homes in most NWT communities.”

High speed, low latency internet, like that provided by Northwestel, is important to not only power the game itself, but to allow gamers to simultaneously talk with others over Discord or upload their live-streamed performance on platforms like Twitch.

Success for Reigh means seeing Ptarmicon expand beyond its physical walls, to include young people and families from across the North. “We really want to reach into other communities, engage kids that are into digital gaming, and help them meet new friends and find games that they can play together.”

Rick and Katy dressed as League of Legends characters

Building an inclusive community, one gamer at a time

More than just a blast of pop culture fun, Ptarmicon is an ultimate hub for community, inclusivity, and belonging in the remote north. This one-of-a-kind gathering brings people together, creating a safe and welcoming space where everyone can dive into new interests and truly be themselves.

Reigh is excited to see the growth of esports, not just in the home, but in live community events. Her son has discovered Minecraft and can be found playing while talking to friends on Discord. Reigh is happy there are places like Ptarmicon where the whole family can get out and meet others who share their passions.

2024 Ptarmicon board members and volunteers

2024 Ptarmicon board members and volunteers

“There’s so much influence from electronics in our lives now. We love e-gaming, and there’s something special about events like this where you can leave the house and go to a gathering to have fun with friends and family. You can build relationships. Lots of people told me how amazing it was to see kids running around with their parents.”

With the continued inclusion of esports, Ptarmicon has supercharged youth participation, turning it into a lively and fun event for all ages. The convention is a playground for everyone, offering a space where people can dive into new hobbies and passions with excitement and enthusiasm.

Keep it up kids. Maybe one day soon, you’ll be stepping into the Northwestel eSports Arena and bringing home the bounty.

Photo credit: Mathieu Durnford