Yukon artist soars to new heights guided by the northern raven
Among being the smartest of the bird species, the common raven also packs the most personality. That’s what Danielle and her partner Cal noticed the most when watching them hop around outside the grocery store, displaying antics that could make even the most serious person crack a smile. Cal affectionately refers to them as ‘his boys’ and their interactions with the birds ultimately inspired Danielle to paint the winning artwork “The Raven” for the 45th annual directory art contest.
Danielle and Cal in Dawson City, YT
Her painting, as light and whimsical as a feather, is no coincidence. Danielle wanted to capture the spirit of a mystical raven, evoking the moodiness that they embody. She recognizes the raven’s deep significance in the North, symbolizing both magic and mischief.
“The Raven” – Digital Painting – 22.67” x 18.67”
“Ravens are known to carry messages on their broad wings. How appropriate to have this image on the cover of a phone book to carry northerners’ messages!” she says brimming with excitement.
Living in the Yukon since 2020, it was Danielle’s dream to share her art with the north, but juggling a life filled with travel and opportunity, commitment posed a challenge. Danielle spent much of her life like a bird in flight, crisscrossing the map making homes in countless cities and towns.
Love eventually brought her north, settling nicely into the community of Dawson City alongside their beautiful “cat daughter”.
Danielle and her cat daughter - Nahanni
Inspired by last year’s winning artwork, “Sky Song,” the $5000 prize incentive and the deadline helped drive Danielle to enter the contest. But, as the contest details unfolded, Danielle found herself with the opportunity to take flight and visit South America. She applied and didn’t dwell over it. Then, a few months later, “the dream came true”.
Ironically, as a travelling soul, Danielle didn’t have access to a phone when she received the news. She opened her email and was immediately flooded with joy. “I was in shock, and so elated,” she remembers. “It validated me as an artist”.
Not that Danielle needs validation. She understands the power and the purpose of art, viewing it as a language integral to storytelling. She recollects,
“for me, art is vital to the human experience. It creates conversations, stirs up feelings, brings smiles and connects people - isn’t that magical?”
The contest has motivated Danielle towards her next big goal: become a full-time working artist. She intends to continue drawing inspiration from the world around her, particularly animals and pets she adores, intertwining her love for feathered and furry creatures with her artistic expression.
Find more of Danielle’s art on her website and Instagram.
For 45 years, Northwestel has published rich northern art on the covers of our directories. The land we live in inspires all of us in different ways. From touching family traditions to realistic recreations of arctic landscapes, we admire and celebrate the creativity of those who make up our North.
As the winner of the directory art contest, Danielle Bossio receives a $5,000 prize from Northwestel.
Meet our 2024 Directory Art Winners:
The artist's spark: ignited by Arctic shorelines
Shifting perspectives with Inuk creator, Nooks Lindell
Thinking about submitting your artwork for next year's directory art competition? Visit our Directory art page and keep an eye out for the 2025 contest, opening in September.
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