Sign up for your $20 monthly credit

Enter the required information below, and we'll email you a verification link.

Northwestel account information:

Use your Northwestel bill to find your account number and Internet service point ID. This will help us identify your account and Internet plan. Click the 'information icon' to see where on your Northwestel bill you can find this information and enter it into the required fields.

Tip! Your Service ID must be a 10-digit number. If it’s not, put a 0 in front to sign up!

Select two security questions below. These questions will help us verify your identity.

Provide an answer to the question selected above:
Provide an answer to the question selected above:
Provide an answer to the question selected above
Provide an answer to the question selected above

Bell Mobility account information:

Please confirm your Bell Mobility cellphone number.