Wire and materials standards for inside wiring

This article describes standards for wire and other materials you need if you choose to wire the inside of your home yourself for Northwestel phone service.

Most electrical supply stores carry all the wire and materials needed to install inside wiring (also known as house wiring).


Northwestel recommends a minimum of 4-pair twisted, 24 AWG, solid, annealed, copper wire. This type of wire ensures better transmission quality and meets both voice and data requirements.

Don't use flat wire such as phone line cord or lamp wire for prewiring as it may cause transmission problems.

Note the following:

  • If you run the wire through a conduit, it must have a Communications Multipurpose Cable, Riser (CMR) fire rating.
  • If the wire runs through an open or plenum space, it must have a Communications Multipurpose Cable, Plenum (CMP) fire rating, as per the Canadian Electric Code.

Jacks, outlets, and other materials

Jacks, outlets and all other materials should be certified by the CSA Group (formerly named the Canadian Standards Association). Install and use these materials only for their intended purpose.

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