Get funding for your next project

Do you have an idea for a film or television project, but need the funds to get started?


Apply for production, development or digital media support and make your idea a reality. In addition to funding, successful production applicants will also get the opportunity to share their project on Northwestel’s Community TV.

We’re proud to have supported over 80 film and television projects in Yukon and NWT since 2014. These projects have received over $3 million from the territories and the Canadian Media Fund (CMF).



Here’s how to apply

Submit a proposal to Northwestel Community TV for a broadcast or development licence. To get your licence, you’ll need to follow our policies and use the following steps as a guide:


Step 1 

Write a project proposal

  1. Create a project outline: Describe the story, characters, locations, themes and format. Use as much detail as possible. Suggested length 2-3pgs.
  2. Describe the outcomes: What will you create? Is it a script, project plan, location scouting or key character outlines?
  3. Include the project team details: Who are the key people on the project? Make sure to include the producer, director and writers. Include their bios or CVs, demo-reels and work samples. Provide your complete contact information.
  4. Add the film details: Include your final delivery date and any special terms you are asking for. Do you want non-exclusive licence, limited time-frame, first and second window terms, etc.?
  5. Provide a detailed production and delivery schedule.


Step 2

Put together a budget

  1. You can use the CMF/Telefilm template. Download template here
  2. Include the amount you are asking Northwestel for, for the licence.
  3. You must include the proposed 100% financing structure.
  4. Confirm your other funding sources or the date you expect to hear about the funding.

If you have questions, get in touch with our team.




Get to know the funding guidelines for the Yukon, NWT and Canada Media Fund


You must meet all the requirements of each agency if you want a Northwestel Community TV broadcast license. The application and reporting process can take a lot of time. If you stick with it you can benefit from significant funding. For detailed information on how to apply for funding through the CMF, visit Canada Media Fund websiteOpens in a new tab.

It’s best to contact each agency directly to discuss your project. You can reach out directly to the following organizations.