Service charges

Service charges are one-time, non-recurring charges that apply for work we perform to complete customer requests for service. Some examples include phone line installation, internet installation, repair work, and account changes.

The total service charge is the sum of the charges for each of the following, as applicable. There might also be other scenarios, other than those listed here, where service charges apply.

For more information about service charges or to learn more about which charges apply to you, call us at 1 888 423-2333.

Applies to receiving, recording, and processing a request. This charge is applied per order and multiple requests may be on the same order.

Applies to connecting a customer's line or service to the Northwestel network. This charge is applied per line connection.

Applies to travel associated with a visit by a Northwestel technician to a premises, whether or not work is performed. This charge is applied per premises visit, regardless of the number of visits needed to complete the work.

Applies to each item of work performed at the customer's request. This includes work performed at the customer's premises on the Northwestel side of the demarcation point. For work performed at the customer's side of the demarcation point, additional charges will apply.

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