A community that grows with every post

Read how we’re building stronger, more connected communities across the North.

Guná Jensen, Tlingit artist from Carcross, YT

The importance of truth on the road to reconciliation

Below, the incredibly gifted Yukon Tlingit artist, dancer, and lifelong learner Guná Jensen shares about her culture, artistic journey, and the incredible design featured on...


The children are protected under the Northern Lights in Inuit artist’s Orange Shirt design

“I want my design to make people feel loved on a day where they might need it a little more,” says Kaytlyn Amitnak Niego. Who...

Kailen Gingall stands in front of a largen wooden crest at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre. He is wearing the orange shirt he designed.

“Reflections” on reconciliation in the North

“My design shows two ovoids not in perfect balance, but slightly displaced. It is up to the viewer to decide if they are moving further...

Northern made Orange t-shirts by Sarah Erasmus front and back of shirt

In 18 Northern languages the message is still the same: Every Child Matters

Dunèna Ke Shàwkwàthan Kʼaanǎta Jèʼ! : Please look after all children very well Southern Tutchone Tr’iinin kat tthak diits’o’ goovagwihil’ee ts’o’ goovak’atr’anahtii diiyeenjit goo’aii...