Careers without compromise

Want to work doing what you love, and make great money doing it? Want to work close to home, and make a difference in your community? Northwestel offers over 500 jobs in the world of high tech, right across the North.

Let's get started! Pick your path below


Woman working in a room surrounded by computing servers

Innovating with high-tech

I’ve got a curious mind. I’m always geeking out about where tech can take us.


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Female technician working on a pole with a northern landscape as a background

Working with my hands

I take a hands-on approach to life. I like being outside and getting things done.


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Female technician talking to customer about her new services with Northwestel

Helping others

I get energy being around people. I like to improve others’ lives whenever I can.


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Man working on a computer portraying a creative working environment

Solving problems

I’m always looking for ways to make things work better for the greater good.


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man working on a whiteboard with creative elements posted on it

Being creative

I’m fascinated by what makes other people tick. I like to think outside the box and tell northern stories.


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