How to change your Northwestel email password

This article describes how to change your Northwestel email password, lists password requirements, and contains tips for how to create a strong password to help keep your information safe.

  1. Log in to Northwestel Webmail by using your email address and password.
  2. Under Options, expand Global, and then select Change Password.
  3. Enter your current password.
  4. Enter your new password, and then confirm your new password.
  5. Click Save Preferences.

When you create a password, make sure that it meets the following requirements. A password:

  • Must be at least 8 characters long
  • Must have at least one of the following:
    • Uppercase letter (A to Z)
    • Lowercase letter (a to z)
    • Number (0 to 9)
  • Can contain these special characters (! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = { } [ ] : " ; ' < > ? , . / | ` `)
  • Can’t be the same as any of your previous five passwords
  • Can't include your user name or common English words

Note Remember that passwords are case-sensitive.

It’s important to use a strong password to help keep your information safe. A good password is one that people can’t easily guess.

Here’s some tips to keep in mind when creating a password.

  • Use a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. The more complex your password is, the better.
  • Don’t use personal information such as your birth date.
  • Avoid using common words.
  • Don’t use the same password across different sites and accounts. Each account and site you use should have a unique password.
  • Don’t share your password with others.

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