When to add another Pod

Every home is unique. The number of Pods recommended to install can vary from home to home, depending on things like the size, layout, and building materials of the home, how many devices are using Wi-Fi, and internet connection speed. 

If you’ve set up your Pods but you’re not getting an experience that meets your needs, you might need to add another Pod. Or, if your needs change and you want to further expand your coverage, consider adding more Pods.  

This is an opportunity to look at your setup. In addition to the things mentioned earlier, the location and placement of your modem and Pods affects your Wi-Fi signal and performance.  

Here’s what to look for: 

  • Check where your modem is set up in your home. The location of your modem affects the Wi-Fi signal and the quality of your internet connection. Ideally, it should be in a central, open location. Learn more about where to put your modem.  
  • Check the location of your Pods. Pod placement affects coverage and performance. Make sure you follow the guidelines in Where to set up Pods in your home for the best experience.  
    • Are your Pods centrally located? Ideally, place your Pods along the interior walls of your home instead of the exterior walls.  
    • Are your Pods spaced appropriately, and in areas where you most often use Wi-Fi? Pods work together as a team and should be close enough to communicate with each other. Try to space your Pods evenly around your home. 
    • Are your Pods out in the open? Keep your Pods away from obstructions like large furniture and things that can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal. These include appliances, electronic devices, metal objects, mirrors, and fish tanks.   
  • A common source of interference is neighboring Wi-Fi networks, which can cause congestion and reduce signal quality and performance. To help avoid interference from other Wi-Fi networks in your area, consider adding a Pod.  
  • How many devices are using Wi-Fi in your home? Although this isn’t a hard limit, if you have more than 20 connected devices and the quality and speed of your Wi-Fi connection isn’t optimal, you might need another Pod.  

Still experiencing an issue or want to further enhance coverage in your home? Go to our website at www.nwtel.ca/internet-plans or contact us at 1 888 423-2333 to order additional Pods.  

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